‘Focus on Success Journal’ May Issue 18 Released
Ann Rusnak has released ‘Focus on Success Journal’ May 9, issue 18. Rusnak’s featured article titled “Tackling the Clutter Monster” is reprinted here.
Ann Rusnak has released ‘Focus on Success Journal’ May 9, issue 18. Rusnak’s featured article titled “Tackling the Clutter Monster” is reprinted here.
The contents of the Newsletter are:
– Feature Article: Tackling the Clutter Monster
– Timely Snippets: Spring Cleaning
– Upcoming Events: Time Management TeleSeminar…
Help! I Need More Time Now
– Weekly Time Technique: Getting Organized
The featured article by Ann Rusnak is reprinted here with permission:
Tackling the Clutter Monster – Part 1
The one person, self employed, solo business owner faces two challenges… getting the business and doing the business. This puts many demands on your time. Disorganization and clutter eat away valuable time. As a solo-preneur, getting organized is critical to keeping your sanity and maintaining a life outside your business.
Remember, getting disorganized didn’t happen overnight so the problem won’t disappear overnight either. At the beginning of the year, my office space didn’t work anymore. Part of the problem started with the reorganization and refocus of my company at the end of last year.
I found myself working among piles of papers, clutter and boxes filled with “stuff.” It began to take me longer to get things done. I wasted so much time looking through piles for needed documents. Even the cats found it hard to find a snoozing place on the floor.
Nothing aggravates me more than people wasting my time. Now I included myself in that category. A major signal to take action to get the clutter monster under control.
Over the next 4 weeks, I’ll share how I turned an energy, time and money draining space into a highly productive, stress free environment. That translates into a 20% increase so far in passive revenues.
The Vicious Cycle of Disorganization
Disorganization guarantees you’ll always not have enough time. Yet how do you find the time to get organized? Getting organized begins in your mind. It’s your perception of what organization means to you. It also include the price disorganization is costing you.
Let’s look at some of the cost and benefits and how you can begin to tackle the clutter monster.
The Cost of Disorganization
– A person who works with a “messy” or cluttered desk spends, on average, 1 1/2 hours per day looking for things or being distracted by things or approximately 7 1/2 per workweek.
– Late payment fees because you didn’t make payments by the due date
– Cost to reproduce or repurchase something that you already have but cannot find
– Stress and burnout that lead to illness, missed work and reduced productivity
– Forgetting to invoice a client and not getting paid for the work
The Benefits of Organization
– You’ll increase your productivity by 10-25%
– Reduce stress
– Ability to follow up and follow through faster on projects and assignments
– You can quickly recover from unexpected interruptions
– More time to do what you want
– How to Begin to Turn Your Disorganized Office into a Work Haven
Starting an organization project can increase you feeling even more overwhelmed. After all, you’re already playing catch up. You think taking time out to get organize will put you further behind. That often leaves you paralyzed to get started.
Paralysis happens when you declare… “This weekend I’m cleaning out my office” and everything in that space screams for attention. A little bit of forethought and planning before you begin will save you much time and grief.
Don’t run out and by the latest and greatest office organizing accessories. First identify what works and what doesn’t. Where does clutter clog and stops the natural work flow? I also began a “Don’t know what to do it with it list” for items and information that arrived in the office. This included mail, research printed from the internet, etc. It’s the stuff that often ended up in piles.
Ask yourself why it isn’t working or why you don’t know what to do with it. I spent several days jotting down items on my list while working in the office. Soon a picture emerge on what needed done to make this office functional.
Next week I’ll share how I took that list and systematically cleared out the clutter and chaos.
Ann Rusnak, “The Time Diva” developed a system to show busy self employed people and business owners how to achieve success with less effort and time. Receive her free Time Package and find more additional articles at: http://www.SimpleTimeManagement.com
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Ann Rusnak for granting permission to reprint this article.
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