Join Habeas and a team of experts are having a free webinar on how to increase ROI by ensuring legitimate emails get to the inbox, and not lost in the bulk folder or trapped in email filters on Tuesday, June 6.

Join Habeas and a team of experts are having a free webinar on how to increase ROI by ensuring legitimate emails get to the inbox, and not lost in the bulk folder or trapped in email filters on Tuesday, June 6.

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Join Habeas & a team of experts

Topic: Increase ROI by better email delivery

Day/Date: Tuesday, June6

Time: 2.00 pm EST

Duration: 1 hour

Register for call details.

Team of Experts

– “Shar VanBoskirk – Shar is a leading email marketing expert and Senior Analyst on Forrester’s Marketing Strategy and Technology research team. She is widely quoted in The New York Times, Fortune, and The Wall Street Journal and has appeared on National Public Radio.

– Summit Projects – Summit Projects, Inc. is a full service interactive agency with 7 years experience in the email marketing industry. Summit offers full service, remote and customized email marketing solutions, relying on Habeas for deliverability.

– SmartWool – SmartWool is the leading performance brand of wool-based apparel, socks and accessories. SmartWool has trusted Summit Projects to be their email marketing partner since 2001.

– Habeas -Learn more about Habeas’ products and solutions” [[email with the subject: Webinar: Getting Your Marketing Email Delivered ]

To register for the teleseminar, click here.





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