Carl Bradbrook and Ian Richardson have launched ‘HavAds’, a software to create ad blocks on websites to promote personal or affiliate products.

Carl Bradbrook and Ian Richardson have launched ‘HavAds’, a software to create ad blocks on websites to promote personal or affiliate products.

Sales Letter

HavAds sales letter title is “>Breaking News-Just released:Putting You Back In Control of The Traffic And Profits On Your Website.

20 Minutes, Your Powerful, Un-Censored HavAds Could Be Raking In Fat Juicy Affiliate Commissions….Or Maybe You Prefer A Landslide of Traffic To Your Other Websites!

Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the features and benefits of HavAds .

Bradbrook and Richardson say, “HavAds is a cool little piece of software that you can download and run from your computer.

The simple “child can use it” wizard takes you through the process of writing up to four HavAds.

When you are done writing the Ads you simply click the publish button and it out puts the results to a file or a browser.

Then you select the size and style of ad you want, select the code and paste it to your web page. Bingo…you HavAds that pay!”


The price of HavAds is: $37


HavAds has a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.


Go to HavAds sales letter.

*This news post contains information submitted by Ian Richardson.





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