Alexandria Brown, the eZine Queen’s, ‘Straight Shooter Marketing’ latest featured article titled “The Day I Learned to Start Saying No” is reprinted here. [eZine Article Reprint]

Alexandria Brown, the eZine Queen’s, ‘Straight Shooter Marketing’ latest featured article is reprinted here.


The Day I Learned to Start Saying No

It was the fall of 1998 when I had just started my first business as a marketing communications writer. Most of my clients hired me for newsletters, brochures, and sales materials, but I would get the occasional request for something different. At the time I was too naive to consider saying “no” to any project that didn’t fit me perfectly.

A perfect example of this was when a colleague named Chip asked if I could write a short script for a customer service training video. “Wow,” I said. “Video! That sounds like fun. Sure thing. I’ll take it on!”

Big mistake

Sure, at first it seemed exciting. But after I got into it, I was miserable. Not only did I spend three times as many hours as I’d planned JUST on figuring out what they wanted, but I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. I’d never written a video script in my life! I thought it would be simple, but it was a whole other world.

This thing not only sucked up all my time, taking me away from my best clients, but it also drained my energy and my confidence. I felt sick every time I looked at that project folder. I lost sleep worrying that I wasn’t doing a good job on it, and worst of all, my fears were confirmed…

One day Chip left a message on my answering machine that MORE major revisions were needed. Then, it sounded like he hung up the phone, because there was a soft click. But then I heard him start to talk about me with his partner (obviously unaware that his speaker-phone was still on).

At first I stopped the message from playing, because I knew I was not supposed to be privy to this conversation. But I wanted to know the truth, so I listened. My heart sank as I heard things like, “This writer doesn’t know what she’s doing on this… we should have hired a real video writer… I feel bad she’s trying so hard, but this isn’t getting better.”

I got so ANGRY

Not at Chip, but at myself.

Here I was… an award-winning writer for marketing communications. Marketing communications! That means marketing materials. NOT training videos!

So why had I taken on that project?

My good friend Melanie Strick, “The Entrepreneur’s Success Coach”, calls this “bright, shiny object syndrome”, and it happens to many entrepreneurs. You see, we love ideas! We enjoy moving from idea to idea, and it’s easy to get distracted by something that seems new and exciting.

Especially when you start experiencing success, it’s as if every opportunity in the world starts falling in your lap. You have to become a master of saying “no”. That was very hard for me.

But by sticking with what you KNOW you are good at, you are always confident and calm in your work. You know how to market yourself, and you know who you’re marketing to! (Plus you can charge high rates with confidence.)

I’ve become so clear now at what I’m amazing at, what I offer, who I’m marketing to, and how I want my life to look like, that any business or life decision is crystal clear. I know exactly what to say “no” to.

(And they say for every “no” you give, a better “yes” comes along!)

So today, make a list of what you are good at, what you’re confident in doing, what you want to do, and who you do it for. And then practice saying, “No!” to anything else.

You’ll find that your marketing and your business will magically become easier, more enjoyable, and more successful!

© 2005-2006 Alexandria Brown International Inc.

Alexandria K. Brown

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, “The E-zine Queen,” publishes the award-winning ‘Straight Shooter Marketing’ weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you’re ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alexandria Brown for granting permission to reprint this latest article.





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