Jerry Hart’s latest article is titled “Social Media Is Helping Ordinary Business Leaders Experience Extraordinary Results”. [Article]

Jerry Hart’s latest article:

Social Media Is Helping Ordinary Business Leaders Experience Extraordinary Results

Jerry says, “ACTION: If you do anything in 2009 to start your Social Media efforts, please open social network accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and load your profile with who you ARE and also what you DO. Social Networks offer you a FREE self-manageable profile or account. Polish your profile for more Google LOVE. Tell the world about who you ARE, your essence, all the things in life that help people remember you. People remember what brings you great joy, family, spirituality, sports, or the wonderment of the animals at the zoo that at times, seem to get along better than we humans do.

How about ice cream, walks with the love of your life, watching a movie over and over and admitting it? That’s what gets people to remember you when they are pointed to your profile and starts them to think “Hey, I might want to follow this person and I think I’ll sign up for their XYZ”. How did they get to your opt in offer on your blog? Most likely from a well-manicured profile in your favorite social network.”

Social Media Is Helping Ordinary Business Leaders Experience Extraordinary Results

*This news post was submitted by Jerry Hart.

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