Dominique Whittaker says, “Picture this: you’re on a website looking for this must-have item for someone special and you know that the product exists on the website but every time you search for it you can’t find it for the life you! If you’ve never had trouble searching for a product or information on a website—well, you’re lying. We know that customers are demanding effective and relevant search results in addition to a easy-to-use interface. If they don’t get it, they’re likely to look elsewhere for what they need—and nobody wants that.

 Site search sounds like a no-brainer functionality that every website has and is an easy thing to do but relatively few companies have actually mastered site search. Done well, it:
  • Promotes customer self-service. If your visitors are able to successfully find what they need, then you’ve done your job while also deflecting calls away from the more expensive contact center”.

When it Comes To Site Search, Don’t Make Your Customers Play ‘Hide-and-Seek’

The Forrester Blog

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