Aja Frost says, “How many prospects respond the first time you email them? One percent? Five percent?

The problem usually isn’t your recipients — it’s your emails. Most outreach emails are, to be frank, pretty crappy. They’re boring, lengthy, unhelpful, and generic. Even worse, they’re far too focused on selling to the prospect instead of helping them.

Want people to reply? Write more effective messages. To help you, we’ve outlined the eight essential things every outreach email should include.

Once yours fulfill these requirements, you’ll be on your way to higher response rates.

Anatomy of an Effective Sales Prospecting Email

1) A Personalized Salutation

Nothing makes it more obvious that you’re spraying and praying than a generic opener. Rather than starting with “Hi there,” “Hello,” or the cringe-worthy “Dear Sir/Madam,” address your prospect by name“.

8 Things Every Sales Prospecting Email Must Include


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