Content marketing and email marketing go hand in hand. Email is one of the most useful tool to spread out your content.

Copyblogger’s Stefanie Flaxman has shared tips on when and how to send the articles and emails to your subscribers.

Flaxman says, “We all have to prioritize our work, and there are two common types of to-do lists.

  • Short-term to-do lists: work that must get done that day … or that week
  • Long-term to-do lists: work that is not a top priority but needs to get done eventually

If you send an article pitch on a Friday or Monday, the editor might want to respond. But as they prioritize their work, your email could end up on their long-term to-do list (or even their I-keep-forgetting-about-that list).

Instead, if you send an important email on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, replying to your email might be viewed as a short-term to-do list item. It’s often a lot easier to tackle work as it comes in once the week is rolling along”.

When to Send Article Pitches (and Other Important Emails)

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