Pictures and numbers speak loud. Today, Marketers struggle to create content that attracts people’e attention and drives them to make a purchase or take service.

MOZ writer Russ Jones has posted an article focusing on using numbers to create outstanding content. Jones’ advice is to incorporate Google Analytics, Search Console and AdWords data, sales data and survey data.

Jones says, “Data is foreign. It’s a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn’t just ask “What does the data say?”, but instead “What does the data say to me?” How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.

Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it’s pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I’m a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others”.

Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content


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