Right Chrome SEO plugins can help you to achieve better SEO results and improve your website traffic.

Koozai contributor Joe Johnson has published a list of best SEO Chrome browser plugins for 2020 to help choose the right plugin for your SEO tasks.

Johnson says, “Whether you’re completely new to browser plugins, or you have too many and are looking to de-clutter, here are some of the most essential Chrome browser plugins that’ll allow you to do your job that little bit better (and faster!).

Detailed https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/detailed-seo-extension/pfjdepjjfjjahkjfpkcgfmfhmnakjfba

There are a ton of plugins out there that give you all the ‘SEO Vital Signs’ (e.g. page titles, descriptions, H1s etc) on a plate. There’s not a huge amount to choose between them but Detailed has a clean layout with a  large typeface which works well for me. Detailed also goes a bit further than most other similar plugins in listing all heading tags, internal links, and schema mark-up”.

The Best SEO Chrome Browser Plugins For 2020


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