Accessibility testing is a type of testing done to ensure that your sites are usable by as many people as possible. Automated accessibility testing helps improve performance.

Search Engine Journal has published a new guide ‘Automatic Accessibility Solutions For Search Marketers’ to help search engine marketers.

Kim Krause Berg says, “Before purchasing automatic accessibility testing solutions, be sure you understand what they are, how they help, and what may attract ADA lawsuits.

You do what you do because:

  • Mobile applications live in every home and in kids’ hands.
  • There are 123 companies doing exactly the same thing and you’re going to outrank them, by golly.
  • ‘Raised by Wolves’ Season 2 has started and you no longer have time to fiddle around with title tags that Google is going to rewrite anyway.”

A Guide To Automatic Accessibility Solutions For Search Marketers

Search Engine Journal

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