Interactive content is any content users can manually interact with and change. Calculators, generators, quizzes and tools are all examples of interactive content that will change as you input or update values for the end-user.

Siege Media has published a detailed article on interactive content highlighting 12 examples.

Ross Hudgens says, “You need interactivity if your content requires it. You don’t need to add interactivity if your content doesn’t.

The risk to avoid with interactive assets is adding it for the sake of adding it. That leads you down a path of expensive, inefficient content that sparkles, but doesn’t actually have value for the end user.

Interactivity should be an element you end up knowing you need. Are your users going to need to do complex calculations? A calculator would add value. Is it unclear what the best option is for them in a complex decision tree? A quiz could be helpful.

You also want to tie interactives to existing demand, ideally in the form of search volume.”

What Is Interactive Content? 12 Examples Worth the Effort

Siege Media

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