Aaron Reeves has just launched P2P Reloaded: Hosting Affiliate Cash, that shows beginning or experienced marketers how he earns over $10000 each month from 8 niches he markets to. Reeves says you can do this, too, with no experience, and can create income that will replace your current job. Reeves sells affiliate products in these niches and, because he believes they are so big that it will be impossible to saturate them, he is willing to share his affiliate marketing process with us in P2P Reloaded: Hosting Affiliate Cash In this training, Reeves is sharing the exact niches he uses and his approach... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
When it comes to beauty, Blackbird can hold its own against any theme you compare it with. But it’s more than a “pretty face”: • It can be customized to virtually any online or offline niche • It has a slider for images • Its footer is widgetized and supports easily-configured social links • It has unique circular boxes you can use for featured products • It is responsive to mobile devices so its content is properly formatted, regardless of how the visitor arrives. • For your mobile visitors, it supports “tap to call” • It supports... [...]
Offline Blueprint 2.0 shows how to firmly rank local businesses in Google’s “suggested Search Box” so the business appears while the searcher is still typing the search string and even before they even pushes the Search button. Will Perkins’s new version of this training is updated to make sure you get currently working methods. The first version got stellar reviews from buyers. But the new version should surpass the first for value delivered to you. It shares: • How to instantly rank your clients’ pages above the normal search results in the “Suggested... [...]
People have been using online giveaways for list-building for years. Usually, a marketer sets up the even and invites contributors to give away a product. in return the receiver opts in to the givers mailing list. It works. As a result, dozens of major giveaway events occur each year. Adding a hundred or more to your mailing list is a reasonable goal. Recently, a new version of giveaway has arisen, the “mini giveaway.” Mini-giveaways are usually smaller (fewer marketers contribute gifts) and often shorter in duration. As these proliferate, there will be many opportunities for the clever... [...]
You’ve probably seen (and maybe you have bought) software the generates QR codes. But Mark Sandquist has just released a unique piece of code. It builds your consulting business while it creates QR codes fo you or your clients that can have a variable URL destination. Most QR codes have a fixed destination, hard-coded into the code. But with Sandquist’s QR Redirect Machine WordPress Plugin adds value to QR generation. Instead of sending visitors directly to the intended destination, it sends them to your server, and code on your server re-directs the visitor to their intended destination.... [...]
Bill Guthrie’s latest training Free the Boss, goes live today, October 16, 2012. It tackles the often-misunderstood subject of outsourcing. Trying to do everything yourself will limit your potential. You aren’t skilled in all the things needed to grow your business, and you only have 24 hours in a day. For best results, your business needs more than you can provide on your own. The most economical way to fill in the gaps is with outsourcing. Guthrie’s new training will help you find the right people for the job and then manage them to improve your company productivity. Check... [...]
Mao Flynn has released this new training, 10 Steps to $10K per week, to help you build a stable, profitable business online. The key to this income is what Flynn calls “digital assets”. A digital asset is a web-based property that puts money into your pocket every month. It is easy to replicate, costs virtually nothing to operate, and makes you money while you are sleeping. 10 Steps to $10K per week is a blueprint that will show you how to create digital assets to secure your business with ongoing income. Lest we misunderstand and think we will turn on a magic faucet that spews out... [...]
InkThemes.com has released beautiful new Blackbird WordPress Theme, suitable for offline businesses (see the many samples on the sales page) as well as online businesses. This new theme turns your plain website into something special. It offers outstanding (and sometinmes unique) features: • It is fully responsive to the portable device the visitor may be using; it changes its view to fit. • It has unique circular feature boxes available (they look quite attractive) • For your mobile visitors, it supports “tap to call” • Supports sliders, threaded comments, and custom... [...]
You need good content on your site, but often good content goes unnoticed. Backlinks from other high-value sites can make the search engines take notice and give your content the prominence it deserves. Joe Finn’s Backlink Alchemy X shows how to get the kind of links that are worth a lot in building your site’s authority. More than that, it gives you a list of 10 locations (that auto-approve your content) where you can place links to your site. Two are PR 6, three are PR 5, Four are PR 4 and one is a PR 2. This variety will be considered natural by the search engines. Many buyers of... [...]
Chris Munch has created a new introduction to Kindle marketing. The price is tiny ($2.47, but rising), but the information can help you increase your Kindle earnings. The videos in Kindle TRIPLER Pigeon can help you build a genuine business on the Kindle platform. In Kindle TRIPLER Pigeon, Munch exposes the biggest mistake Kindle authors make, one that limits earnings dramatically, as well as How to position yourself as ‘the go-to-guy’ within your niche making the market’s decision to buy YOUR books and follow YOUR latest publications a foregone conclusion. Find out more here: Kindle... [...]