Justin Michie is launching Commission Infusion Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 8 AM EDT. He is maintaining secrecy until announcement time so IM NewsWatch has only a few tidbits of information to share. According to Michie, Commission Infusion promises the following: – You don’t need a website. – You don’t need a product. – You don’t need an email list. – You don’t need to spend any money. – And you don’t need any experience. By saying all this, he is implying anyone can use Commission Infusion to make money. In this, Michie shows you how to... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Niches are the heart of good marketing- find a niche and fill it is still good advice. But addressing that niche effectively is becoming more challenging as time passes. Old methods are losing their power and new tools are needed. You still need to find a niche, and you still need to find a product that will meet the needs of that niche, but the current question is “How can you present the product to people who would find it helpful, so that they understand it’s value and want its benefit?” That’s where Facebook and YouTube, in combination, can help. They can drive very... [...]
When people describe a WP theme as “responsive” they mean that it senses that the visitor is using a phone or a tablet (such as an iPad) and reformats the screen to look good on this device. Maulana Malik’s new PRO Business Press Theme is a responsive theme that is also beautiful and flexible. It supports dropdown menues, for example, as well as: • Three styles of powerful sliders • Any feature can be hidden or shown, depending on your needs • Feature boxes to highlight important items (e.g., featured items for sale) • Widget-ready • Video support built-in •... [...]
Chris Guthrie, who knows a lot about what Amazon affiliates need to succeed, has just released BannerZon to create banners advertising Amazon products. This powerful WordPress plugin creates banners for you blog in seconds, banners that advertise multiple Amazon products. Amazon offers banners of their own for you to use on your site, but they have been shown to not convert well. They aren’t targetted enough to draw a lot of clicks. BannerZon, on the other hand, lets you home in on a sub-nighe (for example, not “electronics, as with native Amazon banners, but “GPS”). You... [...]
Best Seller Boss shows you how to use the power of LinkedIn and its millions of users to get more potential clients, and do so quickly. Or if you are selling products, rather than services, you can use Best Seller Boss to leverage the expertise of leading people in your niche to get your products sold. Best Seller Boss contains a 62-page guide book and 10 videos explaining the prodcess for using LinkedIn to achieve the extra clients and sales you have been needing. Ryan McKinney has lots of happy buyers to his prior products; you can see their testimonials on his sales page. And they are already... [...]
Christopher Reck created FanPin Conspiracy to tap into the masses of potential for members of Pinterest to become customers of your Fan Page offers. Facebook Fan Pages are wonderful selling tools if you can get people to look at them. FanPin Conspiracy is a “set and forget” method of bring traffic to your Fan Page. He has covered everything related to his method of combining Pinterest and Facebook in this course, including one monetization video for how to earn money off of the traffic you get, to make it a “one-stop shopping” WSO; everything you need is included in this... [...]
If you end up with “too much month at the end of the money” you may want to look into IM Control Panel. Gerry Lacuarta built IM Control Panel to help you plan and manage your business. And keep yourself on track. For under $10 (but rising) one-time fee, you get acess to a tool that includes: • Target Monthly Income Tracker • Monthly Expense Tracker • Asset and Purchase Manager • Goal setter and Visualizer Plus you get access to a member’s forum and to training on setting up multiple income streams. Get organized, and your life will be easier. Lacuarta’s... [...]
Pinterest has the power to drive a lot of traffic whever you want to send it. You just need to have interesting photos that attract people to your Pinterest board. Then nudge your visitors toward an offer for something you would like to sell. You don’t even need to do all the work on your Pinterest board, yourself. You can outsource a lot of it. JJ Alan has created PinBiz to show you how to take advantage of the power of Pinterest. There are many ways to earn money from Pinterest. Alan focuses on one of the most profitable, CPA. With the outsourcers to do most of the work and CPA to do the... [...]
Backlinks that do your site good in the ratings look natural. They don’t look like they were created from a commercial transaction. This kind of links have several characteristics. For example: • They aren’t made within hours of each other; they are spread out over time • They aren’t all from similar sources; they are spread out across the web • They don’t all use the same anchor text • The site’s URL is often used as anchor text Diversity of anchor text is one of the most helpful things you can have to make your backlinks natural (and thus valuable.)... [...]
Many people find YouTube irresistible. So many people do, that it is the second most visited site on the web. That’s a lot of potential clients for you, if only you can figure out how to attract them to your videos and, ultimately, to your offers. The interesting thing is that many people search YouTube to find product information. Those are the best prospective clients for you. Vivek Narayan has released version 2.0 of his popular Complete Video Domination, to show you how to invest only two hours a day to build a steady business using YouTube. In it, you discover things like: • How... [...]