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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?″. Lou B0rtone says, “Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s the season of ghosts and goblins. But before you get scared away by the idea of adding video marketing to your bag of tricks, keep in mind that – when done right –video can be a treat! Take the fright factor out of video by facing your fears and following the advice in this handy Halloween infographic, which revealsthe 5 biggest video nightmaresand how to overcome them“. Video Marketing – Trick or Treat? ‘The Future... [...]

‘4 Major Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Exposure by Using Facebook’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “4 Major Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Exposure by Using Facebook”. Ted Ammon says, “The marketing world as we know it changed forever with the emergence of Facebook as a tool for ecommerce marketers to communicate — in real time and in two directions — with their customers. With roughly 1/8th of the entire world’s population using Facebook, according to Statistic Brain, it’s time to get over thinking that you’re customers aren’t social. When you think of these numbers in relation to your business,... [...]

‘Facebook Admits Teen Use May Be Declining’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Admits Teen Use May Be Declining”. Kurt Wagner says, “Many have claimed that Facebook‘s hold on the teenage demographic has been slipping. Facebook’s earnings call on Wednesday did nothing to squelch these claims.Facebook CFO David Ebersman said that while monitoring teen usage is a challenge, daily use among some may be declining. SEE ALSO: 20 Things Your Most Annoying Friends Do on Facebook “Youth usage among U.S. teens was stable overall from Q2 to Q3, but we did see a decrease in daily users partly among... [...]

‘Five persuasive web design techniques to increase conversions’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five persuasive web design techniques to increase conversions”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “People trust what they see far more than what they hear. The human brain processes visuals 50 times faster than text. It’s much easier to persuade someone into action through visual stimulus than by merely talking to them or providing a text document. The same goes for your ecommerce site. At Searchlove yesterday, Conversion XL’s public face and conversion optimisation expert Peep Laja delivered his ideas onwhat your site... [...]

‘2 Twitter Changes Making Life Easier for Big Brands′ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “2 Twitter Changes Making Life Easier for Big Brands″. Baer says, “In this bandwidth-challenged-from-a-hotel edition of The Baer Facts, I talk with Kyle Lacy of ExactTarget about Twitter’s new move to enable direct messages to be sent and received even if both parties are not following one another. This has always been one of the quirks of Twitter, that you had to “follow back” to exchange DMs. In some ways”. 2 Twitter Changes Making Life Easier for Big Brands Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘Case Study: White-Hat Link Building in the Gambling Industry’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Case Study: White-Hat Link Building in the Gambling Industry”. Sam Miranda says, “White-hat link building (an admittedly contentious term) is possible. In this post I’m going to outline four strategies that I have obtained from my experiences of content marketing, specifically guest posting (for want of a better term) for a gambling affiliate website”. Case Study: White-Hat Link Building in the Gambling Industry MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Why Your Business Should Be Blogging’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Why Your Business Should Be Blogging”. Chow says, “Many people do not recognize the value of blogging. They assume that it is just a way to post news about their website or business. While this is true, there is a lot more that a blog is capable of doing for the purposes of marketing. Blogs have a way of taking on lives of their own. Above the business and marketing aspect of blogging, blogs can change the face of the writer, or anyone who contributes to the blog on a regular basis”. Why Your Business Should Be Blogging John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Email Deliverability: 8 tactics help you overcome rising B2B challenges’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “Email Deliverability: 8 tactics help you overcome rising B2B challenges”. Allison Banko says, “There are plenty of layers to permeate when it comes to deliverability. In the B2B market, those layers thicken. You bear a bulk of ongoing challenges including a longer sales cycle, complex reputation score hurdles and high employee turnover, resulting in multiple inactive email addresses. When you read about deliverability overall, most tips and tricks are designed for the B2C marketer. However, in this how-to article, we’ve tailored... [...]

‘Report: Bing Unveils Monster-Sized Search Ads’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Report: Bing Unveils Monster-Sized Search Ads”. Kurt Wagner says, “Bing is making sure that you never, ever miss an ad again.Microsoft‘s search engine is offering advertisers “Hero Ads,” or full-page ads, which come up when a user searches a specific company by name, according to Larry Kim, the chief technology officer of search marketing company Wordstream. If you search for “Home Depot,” “RadioShack” or “Walt Disney World” on Bing, for example, you might come face-to-face with... [...]

‘Twitter network analysis: identifying influencers and innovators’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Twitter network analysis: identifying influencers and innovators”. Andrew Lamb says, “In my last post I introduced the Econsultancy network, a map of the follower relationships between 3,930 users talking about the brand, sharing links, and tweeting at the official @econsultancy account. I pointed out that it was pretty remarkable that all these users talking about Econsultancy are bound together in a web of follow relationships, despite not necessarily sharing anything else in common. But how can we use this network... [...]

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