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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘Google’s First 15 Years, by the Numbers’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google’s First 15 Years, by the Numbers”. Seth Fiegerman says, “A little-known startup called Google first launched to change the world 15 years ago today — give or take a few days. The exact date of Google’s launch is a little unclear, as the company has celebrated its birthday on several different dates over the years. Technically, the company registered the domain on Sept. 15, 1997 — more than 16 years ago — and filed to be incorporated on Sept. 4, 1998. Whatever the case, Google says it is officially... [...]

’10 interesting digital marketing statistics we’ve seen this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 interesting digital marketing statistics we’ve seen this week”. David Moth says, “Here are some of the most interesting digital marketing statistics we’ve seen this week. Stats include real-time bidding, showrooming, m-commerce, mobile sharing, US search spend and mobile ad budgets. For more digital marketing stats, check out our Internet Statistics Compendium“. 10 interesting digital marketing statistics we’ve seen this week ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Setting Goals (Not Tools) as the Foundation of Your Marketing’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Setting Goals (Not Tools) as the Foundation of Your Marketing – Whiteboard Friday”. Mackenzie Fogelson says, “In order to make sure we’re constantly creating value for our customers, our focus should center on goals instead of tools. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Mackenzie Fogelson walks us through her five-step process for ensuring that value comes naturally”. Setting Goals (Not Tools) as the Foundation of Your Marketing – Whiteboard Friday MOZ Blog  [...]

‘No Data For You: SEO Experts Offer Opinions On Google’s Move To Withhold Even More Search Term Data’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “No Data For You: SEO Experts Offer Opinions On Google’s Move To Withhold Even More Search Term Data”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Google quietly confirmed earlier this week that it would beencrypting all search data, regardless of whether a user was signed in or not. The company offered the following statement to clarify their sudden decision to withhold the data: We added SSL encryption for our signed-in search users in 2011, as well as searches from the Chrome omnibox earlier this year. We’re now working to bring... [...]

‘The Resources You Need to Be a Lead Generation Machine [In Under 100 Words]’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Resources You Need to Be a Lead Generation Machine [In Under 100 Words]”. Corey Eridon says, “If you’re not up to speed on the concept of lead generation, get your introduction here. Caught up? You want more of those leads, right? Find out where they’re hiding — this post explains where marketers get leads. To get in on that lead gen game, you gotta”. The Resources You Need to Be a Lead Generation Machine [In Under 100 Words] HubSpot  [...]

‘The Digital Marketing Analysis Tree: Understanding Root Causes’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Digital Marketing Analysis Tree: Understanding Root Causes”. Kohki Yamaguchi says, “I recently read an excellent article in the Harvard Business Review about how data-driven individuals think and act. Some of the key traits described in the article apply not only to researchers, but to anyone involved in analysis and decision making. According to the author, data-driven individuals: Make decisions at the lowest possible level Bring as much diverse data to any situation as they possibly can How do these traits... [...]

‘One Way to Calculate ROI for Your Offline Ads’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “One Way to Calculate ROI for Your Offline Ads”. Geoff Kenyon says, “Very few businesses run entirely online, which means most are going to have offline advertising campaigns, such as TV commercials, radio ads, magazine or newspaper ads, direct mail, fliers, etc. At first glance, it seems difficult to measure ROI for those activities, but there is hope for your campaigns. Make visiting your website one of your offline calls to action, and you can assign attribution. That approach is actually quite common, but it’s often poorly executed. The... [...]

What keywords are your competitors using? #ad

Tony Marriott has a new keyword tool that finds the keywords that will make a difference for your site’s success. It’s called Authority Site Keyword Intelligence Tool. This is version 2, and has advantages over most of the other keyword tools currently available. Tell it your site’s URL (or any other URL, such as a competitor’s). It will: • Find keywords for the site automatically • Find the high rank websites that are ranking for those keywords • Find the other keywords those sites are ranking for • Find how many backlinks these sites have •... [...]

‘How Affiliates Find New Affiliate Programs in 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “How Affiliates Find New Affiliate Programs in 2013”. Collins Says, “Affiliates were asked “How do you typically find out about new affiliate programs? Select all that apply.” for the 2013 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report. Finding the information on a merchant site was most common with 51.3% of affiliates, followed by affiliate managers reaching out to the affiliates at 42.4%”. How Affiliates Find New Affiliate Programs in 2013 Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

‘Google’s Growing Up – What It Means for SEO’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Google’s Growing Up – What It Means for SEO”. Samuel Frost says, “Happy birthday to Google! According to most sources, Google’s birthday is generally celebrated on September 27th, and this year marks Google’s 15th year. I fondly remember first using Google in 2001, doing my primary school homework on the first computer my family had ever purchased (just thinking about this is making me nostalgic). But before you continue celebrating Google’s birthday, we have a great offer on our top SEO product that... [...]

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