Kristen Dunleavy says, “When Henneke Duistermaat ditched her demanding corporate job to start her own business, she only had one plan: create great content. She launched her website, Enchanting Marketing, with the goal of helping others do the same. But to be successful, Henneke needed to gain a loyal following so she could monetize her business. Here’s how she did it with email marketing. Getting Email Sign Ups with Guest Blog Posts… Henneke gained about 300 subscribers to her email list before she even started her business thanks to a smart, two-pronged strategy. First, she researched... [...]
Archive for the 'email marketing' Category
Jerod Morris says, “You already know that you can’t truly do effective digital marketing without building a responsive email list. It’s still the ultimate online sales channel. So join me and Brian Clark for a free webinar on Thursday, July 23, 2015 that will cover the why and how of building a robust email list: We’ll share all that impressive research about the importance of email Brian will walk you through a smart email strategy that builds your list fast Then I’ll give you a detailed demonstration of how you can use theRainmaker Platform to do it. Space is limited, so please... [...]
Daniel Faggella says, “The promised land for businesses is where you no longer have to search out leads and customers … because your perfect customers are searching for you! “Is it possible?”you ask? It’s more than possible. It’s like gravity — or the law of reciprocity. When you begin working through the systems I started showing you in my last article, it will be nearly impossible to not experience this promised land. While the rest of the economy is running around in chaos, you’ll be calmly watching thousands of leads pour in on autopilot. This is called leverage, my friend... [...]
Kristen Dunleavy says, “Evan Carmichael believes in you. No, really, he does. Evan’s mission in life is to help one billion entrepreneurs succeed. He uses his website,, as a giant support network where he provides advice and inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere. What makes him the expert? When he was 19, he built and sold a biotech software company. It wasn’t easy; his business nearly tanked and he had no one to turn to for help. He realized that lots of entrepreneurs had the same experience, so he began sharing his stories and expertise. His practical approach took... [...]
Monica Montesa says, “If you have a habit of creating and sending emails without looking back to see how they performed, you’re not alone. However, this is one scenario where becoming a #DataGeek will work in your favor. There’s a lot you can learn about your subscribers when you know how many of them are opening your emails, clicking links or even unsubscribing from your email list. Maybe your subject lines aren’t enticing enough to get subscribers to open your emails. Or maybe the content in your message is irrelevant to your readers. Whatever the issue, reviewing your email analytics... [...]
Alexandra says, “For email marketing, data is king. The more data you have about your subscribers, the more relevant and personalized each email becomes, ultimately resulting in higher engagement and ROI. However, companies walk a fine line when trying to collect valuable subscriber data while keeping the subscription process quick and easy enough to boost conversion. A lengthy, time-consuming subscription form may deter someone from signing up, so most forms may only collect email or a few other data points, such as name or ZIP code. While these data points are a good starting point for... [...]
Jen Ribble says, “Finding the right send frequency is a challenge most email marketers face at some point. We all know that overmailing is a mistake, so conventional wisdom points to limiting your send frequency as the “safe” approach. Fewer emails should result less frustration from subscribers, and therefore fewer complaints, right? As it turns out, there are plenty of problems associated with undermailing, as well. Missed revenue opportunities: Perhaps the most obvious pitfall of undermailing is this: potential customers can’t buy from you if they don’t know about your products.... [...]
Jason Warnock says, “We’ve heard it before: “Mobilegeddon” is upon us. Just a couple of months ago, Googleupdated its algorithm to reward mobile-friendly websites. Shifts like this should come as no surprise to marketers, however. Consumer preferences have been shifting from desktop to mobile devices for a while, but before now, many speculated it was a short-term trend rather than a long-term phenomenon. Mobile is now an abiding preference, not only for research and online shopping, but email as well. In fact, mobile email clicks and revenue are at an all-time high. So as consumers... [...]
Evan Burke says, “The email deliverability landscape is in constant flux, influenced in great part by the proliferation of mobile devices and subscriber engagement-based filtering. Adapting to such industry changes increases the ability to reach audiences and generate revenue from digital messaging campaigns. But managing deliverability can challenge even the most well-respected brand. Government regulations, inconsistent Internet service provider (ISP) policies, emerging technologies, and changes in subscriber behavior all add to the complexity. As a result, one in six email messages never... [...]
Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Boost your email’s chances of being opened by following these quick tips from Sikich. “Before sending your emails, tell your recipients what type of content they can expect and how often they’ll be hearing from you,” states Sikich. When you do send the email, send it from a real person. Avoid impersonal email addresses. Also, spend time crafting an engaging subject line: “64% of people say they open an email because of the subject line,” states Sikich. Find out more about critical email elements and how they... [...]