‘Top 25 Most Social CIOs: Who’s the Most Active in Social Media? [CHART]’ – ‘Mashable’
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Top 25 Most Social CIOs: Who’s the Most Active in Social Media? [CHART]”.
Charlie White says, “If you thought corporate titans spent all their time ensconced in ivory towers — too important to engage in social media — think again. Here’s a chart based on research that ranks the top 25 most social-media-active chief information officers (CIOs) of the Fortune 250.
These social scores, developed by Social Strategist and Forbes columnist Mark Fidelman for cross-platform enterprise software developer harmon.ie, list which CIOs are the most socially active by examining”.
Top 25 Most Social CIOs: Who’s the Most Active in Social Media? [CHART]
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