‘What Did You Think Was Going to Happen, FunnyJunk?’ by Jeremy Schoemaker
Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog Post is titled “What Did You Think Was Going to Happen, FunnyJunk? A Lesson in What NOT to Do with Reputation Management”.
Schoemaker says, “My friend Matt Inman, who I’m sure many of you know as The Oatmeal, has caused quite the media stir this week, and he has FunnyJunk to blame (or thank, depending on how you look at it). On the slim chance you aren’t aware of what’s happening, I’ll get you up to speed. Matt creates popular web comics, and like most content creators, he often runs into the problem where other websites repurpose his content without proper attribution. FunnyJunk was/is one such site, and last year Matt called them out for stealing his comics, posting them on their site and surrounding them with ads, and placing the blame on their users for stealing the content when they get contacted by the original artists/authors”.
What Did You Think Was Going to Happen, FunnyJunk? A Lesson in What NOT to Do with Reputation Management
ShoeMoney Blog
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