The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Land Grab! Google & Amazon Stake Claims to .blog, .search, .book”.

Jon Mitchell says, “Amazon, Google, L’Oréal and Gucci have applied for basic Internet domain names like .blog, .book, .music and .beauty. In some cases, they don’t intend to share. Unless you use Google’s Blogger service, for instance, you won’t be able to get Google aims to own that domain and every address in it.

Prime Internet Real Estate

Internet domain names are controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This U.S. company gets to decide which unique, top-level addresses (like .com, .net and .org) will take you somewhere when you type them into your browser. And it can invent new ones and sell them to whomever it wants. Last year, it decided to do so to the tune of $185,000 a pop”.

Land Grab! Google & Amazon Stake Claims to .blog, .search, .book


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