The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released.

Craig Ballantyne says, “”Slip slidin’ away, slip slidin’ away, You know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away” – Paul Simon

This happens to all of us in one facet of life or another. We build a habit that starts off strong but then, over time, often ends up slip sliding away.

It could be the diet we started so strongly on January 1st has become a shell of its former self by SuperBowl weekend. It might be your attempt to reconcile a relationship, a promise you made to a loved one to be home in time for dinner more often, giving your word to call more often, to be there for someone. Or it might have been that your plan to set aside money for a rainy day has all but dried up”.

‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

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