Matt Carter’s “SEO Survival Guide” webinar is on replay.

Carter says, “Lisa really has done well for herself, and the reason for her success is simply because she focuses on doing SEO and gotten really good at it. The thing I like about what Lisa does though, is that she builds really high quality sites, not necessarily large sites, just great sites.

Because she has done this, and avoided all the shortcut scam techniques, her sites get rewarded by Google, and as a result not one of her sites got affected by the Google updates over the past 18 months,
In the webinar Lisa teaches:
-How to build backlinks to avoid a Google Penguin slap
-How to layout and structure a website to please Google Panda
-How to target keywords for your sites to maximize traffic
-The truth about the latest Exact Match Domain update from Google
-The sort of content you absolutely must have on your site to rank well”.

Matt Carter’s ‘SEO Survival Guide’ Webinar Replay

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