The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “The Data Digest: The Information Sources That US Online Holiday Shoppers Use”.

Reineke Reitsma says, “In the recently published report “US Online Holiday Retail Forecast, 2012” Forrester estimates that US holiday season online retail sales will grow 15% from 2011 to 2012. While the number of US online holiday shoppers is expected to grow very little compared with last year, the average US online shopper will spend about 12% more than last year. But, as my colleagueSucharita Mulpuru shares in her blog on this topic, consumers are harder to impress this year. Satisfying the expectations of online shoppers during the holiday season is crucial to the Q4 success of retailers”.

The Data Digest: The Information Sources That US Online Holiday Shoppers Use

The Forrester Blog

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