The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Gmail 2.0 For iOS: It Doesn’t Suck Anymore”.

Jon Mitchell says, “Gmail for iPhone and iPad reached version 2.0 Tuesday, and it’s finally good enough for prime time. Gmail on iOS was a very bad app at the beginning, missing features that even the mobile Web version had. But now, in addition to a light and clean redesign, it has multiple-account support, auto-complete in search, RSVP to Google Calendar invites and more.

I would describe the Gmail experience through Apple’s built-in Mail appsas basically OK-ish – most of the time. Gmail users on hte Web have gotten used to some important features, though, like labels and filters, that Apple’s Mail app doesn’t have”.

Gmail 2.0 For iOS: It Doesn’t Suck Anymore


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