The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “12 Buzzwords You’ll Hear in 2013”.

David Mielach says, “What buzzwords will have workers buzzing in 2013? Only time will tell, but to help,BusinessNewsDaily interviewed small business owners, PR people, entrepreneurs and others to give workers a heads up on which buzzwords they may see in the coming year.

  1. Advertainment — “Advertising is no longer about interrupting what people are interested in, it’s about being what people are interested in.”
  2. Phablets — A mixture of a smartphone and tablet.
  3. Growth hacker — “A role that replaces traditional marketing roles in fast-growing businesses.”
  4. Social learning — “An individual’s learning a skill through observation, without necessarily changing their behaviors or on-the-job performance”.

12 Buzzwords You’ll Hear in 2013

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