The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “CMOs, Are You Ready For 2013?”.

Corinne Munchbach says, “I only just recently started watching Mad Men – a shock to many of my marketing peers and to regular folks who now think I’ve been living under a rock for the last 5+ years. I’ll save my thoughts on the show for another time, but what strikes me at least once during each episode is how much everything (tactics) and nothing (strategy) has changed. Similar fundamental challenges weigh on Sterling Cooper’s clients’ minds as weigh on our CMO clients’ minds today: how do we connect with our consumers in a way that differentiates us from the competition? While Don Draper was limited to print and TV, thanks to digital platforms and tools, today’s CMOs have an almost infinite number of options with which to build relationships with consumers”.

CMOs, Are You Ready For 2013?

The Forrester Blog

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