The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Tablets account for 18% of UK paid search clicks, but just 8% in the US”.

David Moth says, “Tablets accounted for almost one fifth (18%) of UK paid search clicks for retailers in 2012 compared to 13% on smartphone, according to a new report from Kenshoo.

Tablets also delivered 18.3% of conversions and 21.3% of revenue, while smartphones achieved just 3.6% of overall retail conversions from PPC and 3.4% of revenue.

Similarly, the conversion rate from smartphone visits is just 1.59% compared to 5.85% on tablet and 6.53% on desktop”.

Tablets account for 18% of UK paid search clicks, but just 8% in the US

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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