‘B2B Marketing: How accounts payable company’s new process increased Marketing’s contribution to revenue 1,300%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study
MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “B2B Marketing: How accounts payable company’s new process increased Marketing’s contribution to revenue 1,300%”.
David Kirkpatrick says, “Sometimes, a complete overhaul of the Marketing-Sales process is a better option than making smaller, incremental changes. Seeking to create a “high performing” and aligned buyer’s cycle from lead gen to closed deal, the marketing team at AvidXchange undertook that exact challenge.
This case study looks at a yearlong effort that created a formal testing and optimization program, upgraded the company’s technology, and even dramatically improved Sales-Marketing alignment.
Rachel Hoppe, Marketing Manager, AvidXchange, will be presenting this case study at the upcoming MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2013 in Las Vegas, February 19-22″.
B2B Marketing: How accounts payable company’s new process increased Marketing’s contribution to revenue 1,300%
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