The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Marissa Mayer Plans To Cull Yahoo’s Herd of 70 Apps – And Buys A New One”.

Taylor Hatmaker  says, “Yahoo’s mobile gameplan is shaping up fast – or its stable of mobile apps is, anyhow. Yahoo has now acquired Alike, a mobile location-based suggestion engine app à la Foursquare. The news broke on the same day that CEO Marissa Mayer took the stage of the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference to repeat her clarion call for Yahoo’s new direction.

Paring Down Yahoo’s Mobile Mess

At the conference, Mayer took a verbal machete to Yahoo’s existing tangle of apps, announcing plans to cull Yahoo’s ridiculous current mess of 60 to 70 apps down to around a dozen core mobile products”.

Marissa Mayer Plans To Cull Yahoo’s Herd of 70 Apps – And Buys A New One


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