The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Catch Four Forrester Speakers At SXSW”.

Kerry Bodine says, “SXSW Interactive starts tomorrow! Are you making the trek to Austin? If so, please join me for a book reading and short presentation about the ideas in Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business. In addition to outlining the business benefits of improving your customer experience, I’ll discuss the critical role that marketers play in shaping customers’ perceptions and propelling companies to their full customer experience potential. If you’ve already got a copy of Outside In, bring it with you – or buy one in the SXSW bookstore – and then head to the book signing immediately following my talk. Here are the session details”.

Catch Four Forrester Speakers At SXSW

The Forrester Blog

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