‘Retarget Your Way to Greater Sales’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Retarget Your Way to Greater Sales”.
Lisa Fugere says, “The chance to make an online sale is not a one shot deal. If a business visits your site and leaves, you can retarget them to bring them back. Retargeting is not just for business to consumer (B2C) businesses; it is just as effective – if not more – for business to business (B2B) businesses.
What Exactly Is Retargeting? Retargeting is explained easily if you regard your company as the target. You want businesses to be looking at you: the target. If a business is not pointing at the target (your company website, Linkedln page, Facebook page, or Twitter for example), an advertisement pops up that attempts to lure the business back to the target (your company)”.
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