‘Five Ways to Increase the Value of Your 404 Pages’ by Gail Trahd
Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Five Ways to Increase the Value of Your 404 Pages”.
Gail says, “A 404 page is an error message that your visitors receive when they get to a page that is no longer viable. In other words, your reader may have clicked on a broken or dead link or you may have removed a page from your website and links that lead to that page are no longer viable.
The 404 error message should not be confused with a server not found message. In the first case, a page on your website cannot be served to your reader by the server and in the second case the entire server may be down”.
Five Ways to Increase the Value of Your 404 Pages
Gail Trahd’s Blog
*This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.
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