The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Viewability Metrics Prove Viewable Ads Are 21 More Times Likely To Be Clicked”.

Konrad Feldman says, “The path from clicking a search ad to a conversion — buying a product, downloading a brochure, locating a store — is well understood and widely accepted today. Because a search ad relates to an intent expressed by the person doing the search, click-through rate serves as a good proxy for conversion, and cost-per-click (CPC) is a reliable guide for buying search ads. In search, optimizing for clicks is essentially optimizing for conversions because they’re so closely aligned.

Online display advertising, however, is a different story. People go to websites for information, entertainment and engagement with other people, not to click on ads that send them elsewhere. Only 16 percent of people click on display ads in a given month, indicating that most visitors to a typical advertiser’s site get there some way other than clicking on display ads”.

Display Campaign Success: Looking Beyond The Click

Marketing Land

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