The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “A/B Testing: SAP increases conversion 62% by using images”.

John Tackett says, “Today at 2:00 p.m. EDT, I’ll be interviewing Shawn Burns, Vice President of Digital Marketing, SAP, during the MarketingSherpa webinar, “Testing: A discussion about SAP’s 27% lift in incremental sales leads.”

We’ll be discussing Shawn’s team’s impressive four-year effort to create a Test Lab within SAP, complete with the politics, change management and talent gaps involved in any truly transformative marketing initiative.

But first, right here on the MarketingExperiments blog, let’s take a look at one of SAP’s tests from this Test Lab initiative”.

A/B Testing: SAP increases conversion 62% by using images

MarketingExperiments Blog

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