The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Let’s Hang! Use Google+ Hangouts as an Innovative Marketing Tool”.

VerticalResponse team says, “Wanna hangout? Oh, you live in another city/country/universe? No problem – Google+ Hangouts to the rescue! If you’re not familiar with Google+ Hangouts, it’s a free video chat service that allows you to catch up with friends via computer, phone or tablet. But what if you could use Google+ Hangouts to not only virtually ‘chill’ with friends, but use it as an innovative marketing tool? Turns out, many businesses are using it to host virtual meetings and/or broadcast their knowledge, content, and personalities to the world.

NPR hosts a “Morning Edition Virtual Coffeehouse” Google+ Hangout with reporters and special guests, Glamour Magazine hosts several Google+ Hangouts including a book club, and even sites like, Breast Cancer Answers hosts a bi-weekly Google+ Hangout with various doctors to, you guessed it, answer questions and educate readers about breast cancer”.

Let’s Hang! Use Google+ Hangouts as an Innovative Marketing Tool

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