‘Use Social Video to Spread Your Messages: One Golden Rule and Three Commandments’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Use Social Video to Spread Your Messages: One Golden Rule and Three Commandments”.
Denise Roberts McKee says, “Social video is in flux—and growing. New apps, new channels, new vlogs… With over 72 hours of video content being uploaded every minute, the days of creating a video, posting it on YouTube, and assuming viewers will find it… are a thing of the past—especially when you are up against the Harlem Shake craze du jour.
How do you break through the clutter and succeed in sharing your message?
Follow the Golden Rule of Online Content: It’s not what we want, it’s what our audience wants.
That concept is the opposite of traditional marketing techniques, which assumed a broad, captive audience that was pretty much forced to sit through whatever it was brands wanted to put in front of them. Think TV commercials pre-Tivo/DVR“.
Use Social Video to Spread Your Messages: One Golden Rule and Three Commandments
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