The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “A Few Thoughts on eCommerce in Argentina”.

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “I spent several days in Buenos Aires last week which was fantastic – great fun and really helpful in terms of understanding what’s happening in the eCommerce market. Wednesday was the annual eCommerce Day event: It was packed with well over a thousand people in the audience.  I presented on global eCommerce trends that are set to impact the market in Argentina, and also met with a number of online retailers.

A handful of takeaways from these conversations:

eCommerce in Argentina is still at an early stage. There is tremendous interest in driving eCommerce in Argentina, but the real growth is yet to come. Today’s roughly $2B online retail market is dominated by MercadoLibre, with traditional retailers like Falabella, Garbarino and Walmart increasingly making the online channel a priority. Newer entrants like Dafiti are also carving out a niche in categories such as apparel”.

A Few Thoughts on eCommerce in Argentina

The Forrester Blog

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