The latest article on Business Insider is titled “5 Steps To Becoming A ‘Highly Recommended’ Brand On Social Media”.

Jenna Goudreau says, “More than 90% of consumers report that a word-of-mouth recommendation is the top reason they buy a product or service, according to Nielsen. It’s partly why Angie’s List, an online aggregator of consumer reviews, now has a market cap near $1 billion – because consumers want and use reviews they can trust.

That’s the central theme of digital marketer Paul Rand’s new book “Highly Recommended: Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth and Social Media to Build Your Brand and Your Business.” In it, he argues that the number-one thing that drives business today is recommendations. To win, he says every business, from the corner dry cleaner to a major corporation, should strive to become the most highly recommended brand in its category”.

5 Steps To Becoming A ‘Highly Recommended’ Brand On Social Media

Business Insider

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