‘Twitter Prices Its Initial Offering at $26 Per Share’ – The New York Times
Vindu Goel has posted an article titled “Twitter Prices Its Initial Offering at $26 Per Share” in the Technology section of The New York Times.
Vindu says, “Twitter, long protected in its Silicon Valley nest, is about to venture into the more unforgiving world of Wall Street.
But as it makes the transition to a publicly traded company, attracting and retaining users has become one of its biggest challenges.
Twitter’s interface can be daunting to newcomers. A user has to invest a lot of time to figure out the right accounts to follow and to understand the unique jargon of the service.
And its fundamental design — every 140-character tweet is delivered in chronological order, no matter how important or trivial — means that compelling information can be lost in a sea of babble”.
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