‘Email Still Really, Really Matters, Especially If You Apply These Four Tips’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Email Still Really, Really Matters, Especially If You Apply These Four Tips”.
Vin Turk says, “Rich media, social media, and native advertising may be making the headlines these days, but let’s face it: The latest shiny objects do not work for everyone. You know what does work for everyone? Email marketing.
It may not be new, shiny, or sexy, but nothing delivers results like email, particularly for nurturing new leads.
Rich media is full of flash and fanfare; social media is used as a broadcast medium; and users recognize native advertising as advertising, even if it’s better than banner ads and spam. Email marketing, though 20 years old, continues to evolve and mature to deliver effective marketing messages to retain and acquire customers, increase brand awareness, make transactions, and generate leads”.
Email Still Really, Really Matters, Especially If You Apply These Four Tips
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