This is our last chance to tell you about Experian”s webinar on Thursday, November 21 at 1.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Social butterfly: Giving your email campaigns wings through social media”.

Experian team says, “Social media can be a key component to expanding the reach and effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. From utilizing social media insights for message optimization to retargeting inactive email subscribers on Facebook, this webinar will cover best practices for integrating social media into your email marketing strategy, while showcasing proven tactics and examples.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The latest social media trends and benchmarks
  • Real-life examples of effective social plus email campaigns that leverage cross-channel data
  • Innovative social tools and tactics used to optimize the effectiveness of campaigns”.

Webinar Details

Organizer: Experian Marketing Services

Speaker: Justin Orgel

Topic: Social butterfly: Giving your email campaigns wings through social media

Day/Date: Thursday, November 21

Time: 1.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter

Register for webinar details.

‘Social butterfly: Giving your email campaigns wings through social media’ Webinar

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