‘Seven useful Google tips for bloggers & publishers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Seven useful Google tips for bloggers & publishers”.
Christopher Ratcliff says, “Blogging ain’t easy, especially when you’re starting from scratch, but there are many tools available that can make your life easier and potentially help drive more traffic to your site than you expected.
First I’ll make one thing abundantly clear, and this is a caveat you’ll read on any respectable website regarding SEO, if there’s one overarching factor that you should always consider when producing content, it’s quality.
Always ask yourself “is the content I’m uploading to the web useful, entertaining, informative, engaging or innovative?” If it isn’t at least one of those things then you’re never going to achieve any gains in traffic, audience growth or authority“.
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