The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “20 Traits Of Successful CMOs”.

Joanna Lord says, “Being a CMO is… well, a lot of things: amazing, hard, exhausting, fun, challenging and about a million other adjectives. While I’ve only carried the title for just over half a year, I have spent those 8 months researching what it means to be a “successful CMO.” It’s been quite the learning curve and an exciting ride.

To help me along the way, I’ve thrown myself into the art of being a CMO. I’ve had dozens of coffee meetings with other CMOs, read books on leadership and management and talked for days on end about the traits that make a CMO successful with my executive team and professional coach. I’ve researched and studied the best CMOs of yesteryear and today“.

20 Traits Of Successful CMOs

Marketing Land

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