The latest Silverpop blog post is titled “5 Ideas for Adding “White Space” to Your Emails”.

Loren McDonald says, “Most marketers understand that to break through the clutter in subscribers’ inboxes, you must send messages that stand out, not just with a catchy subject line but also with content that interests them.Yet while this may seem obvious, many marketing messages wind up saying little more than “buy-buy-buy.” For a high-volume retailer who averages three to four broadcast emails per week, that’s 150 to 200 hard-sell emails each year. Is it any wonder that many subscribers eventually tune out?

The answer isn’t necessarily to cut back on frequency. Instead, look for ways to make your messages more irresistible, to drive more engagement so that subscribers will pay greater attention when something does strike their fancy. One approach to consider: “white space” email messages“.

5 Ideas for Adding “White Space” to Your Emails

Silverpop Blog

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