Econsultancy has released the “Email Marketing Best Practice Guide”.

The Econsultancy team says, “At nearly 200 pages long, Econsultancy’s Email Marketing Best Practice Guide contains everything you need to know about this channel, whether you work for an in-house client team, independently or for an agency.

Built on the foundations of our original renowned report, this document will help beginners and experts alike to understand, implement and execute email strategies to maximise return on investment in this complex channel. It has been created with the help of globally-esteemed email practitioners, in order to provide front-line insight and give you the edge in your email marketing activity.

We’ve created this guide so you can use it to either review your existing email strategy or to help create a comprehensive email marketing strategy from scratch. We’ve also included a multitude of practical tips you can apply to individual campaigns to help maximize results.

Importantly, we’ve structured it to cover all aspects of email marketing necessary to maximize effectiveness. So rather than purely focusing on creative as many books do, we discuss approaches to segmentationtargetingcommunications strategy and testing which are ultimately much more important to a successful campaign.

There are nine key aspects of an organization’s email marketing capability implementation that must be managed for a successful project, covering both effectiveness and efficiency factors:


  • Aims and goal setting
  • Segmentation and targeting
  • Communications strategy
  • Creative and copywriting
  • Testing and optimization


  • List quality
  • Legal compliance
  • Email deliverability
  • Email templates and renderability

Key features of this best practice guide

  • Comprehensive: covers all aspects needed for success in one place but also referencing other in-depth resources.
  • Accessible: it is designed to help readers navigate to and assimilate relevant content.
  • In-depth: topics are covered in sufficient depth to successfully implement suggestions.
  • Practical: explanations about how to implement techniques and describe success factors that can be applied straightaway.
  • Improvement-focused: explanations about how to revise existing approaches through evaluation of current approach, refining strategy and implementing improvements.
  • Cutting edge: the latest best practice advice is incorporated to help you get the most from your email activity“.

Econsultancy’s ‘Email Marketing Best Practice Guide’

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