The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “55% of Visitors Spend Fewer Than 15 Seconds on Your Website. Should You Care?”.

Ginny Soskey says, “According to data by Tony Haile of Chartbeat, I’ve only got 15 seconds to capture your attention … so I guess I better make it quick. His data shows that people aren’t reading content on the web the way we think they are, and the whole measurement system might be broken. Instead of tracking article views, we should focus on reading time and page engagement.

As a person who makes a living off of people reading, clicking, and sharing content, I was initially terrified. This couldn’t possibly be true — otherwise everything I know about content is pretty much a lie! To quell my panic, I took a little closer look at the data — it seemed to be mostly from media companies“.

55% of Visitors Spend Fewer Than 15 Seconds on Your Website. Should You Care?


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