‘Which Marketing Analytics Should You Be Looking At?’ – HubSpot
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Which Marketing Analytics Should You Be Looking At?”.
Rachel Sprung says, “Access to so much data has made marketing analytics overwhelming for many a marketer. We have traffic data, conversion data, lead data, email marketing data, social media data … the list goes on. Figuring out what data to pull, and when, is the tricky part.
While no two businesses are alike, often they’ll find themselves facing similar problems, andunsure of how to use data to guide them through their decision-making processes.
With that in mind, I tried to think through some common scenarios marketers find themselves in, and what data they’d want to pull from their marketing analytics solution to help guide their decision-making. Take a look, and see if you find yourself in any of these stages yourself”.
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