The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Get More People to Open Your Emails [Video]”.

Ginny Soskey says, “For email marketers, there are few things more nerve-wracking than the anticipation you get after hitting send. Unlike other types of marketing, you’ve only got one chance with an email send to get someone to open your email. You cross your fingers and hope. Will people open this email? Will they hit spam? Will they actually click on it? Pleaseohpleaseohplease go well. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to know beforehand if your email would get opened?

Full disclosure: You won’t be able to predict the future. But you can stack the deck in your favor by following a few best practices for increasing email open rates. Even though open rates shouldn’t be the only metric you base your success on, it’s still important to optimize for opens — after all, people need to open your email to be able to click on it”.

How to Get More People to Open Your Emails [Video]


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