‘Microsoft Fights U.S. Government Over Rights to Data on Foreign Servers’ – ‘Mashable’
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Microsoft Fights U.S. Government Over Rights to Data on Foreign Servers”.
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Microsoft is challenging a data request from the U.S. government in an unprecedented case that could have sweeping ramifications for online privacy around the world.
In December 2013, the U.S. government obtained a search warrant requesting information about an email user for an investigation apparently involving drugs and money laundering. But Microsoft is refusing to cooperate because the data in question is stored in Ireland, and the company argues the U.S. can’t force it to hand over data stored outside American soil.
The case is a perfect example of how new technologies like cloud computing clash with pre-Internet laws. These are the answers to the most basic questions about the case”.
Microsoft Fights U.S. Government Over Rights to Data on Foreign Servers
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