‘The Volume of Twitter Mentions by Country, Language, and Time’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Ayaz Nanji says, “Users in the United States are now responsible for less than half (41.5%) of all Twitter mentions, according to a recent report from Mention.
The report was based on an analysis of 70,000,000 Twitter mentions originating in 234 countries. A “mention” was defined as a reference made—i.e., the use of a Mention-tracked keyword—by a Twitter account about a specific entity or person using a related hashtag, handle, or keyword/phrase.
Though its share has dropped over time, the United States is still responsible for far more mentions than any other country, the analysis found.
Users in the United Kingdom account for the second-most number of mentions on Twitter (9.7%), followed by France (5.4%)”.
The Volume of Twitter Mentions by Country, Language, and Time
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